DWSR Online Class

This class is not difficult, but you need to pay attention or else you may have to repeat a video.

You can take this program on a cell phone, BUT it is much better and easier on a laptop or desktop computer.

Step 1: Print out the “Video Study Guide.” You need to print out the study guide or request one be mailed from Community Corrections (probation) or by emailing jim@dwsr.org

Step 2: Watch each video and then answer the test questions. A password is generated after you watch the video. Enter the password to take the test. There are on-screen directions. Press “Submit” when done. It may take 24 hours for your test to be graded but you are able to move to the next video immediately. The worst thing that will happen is that you will need to re-watch and re-take a test from a video. You can do so as many times as you need.

Step 3: If you have passed all three tests, you will get a certificate sent to your email.

Best way to pass the first time? Pay close attention and use the study guide.

Download the Study Guide

Important 2024 changes in driving law – Please review

Video 1

53 minutes
Left click video to Pause.

Video 2

56  minutes
Left click video to Pause.

Video 3

55  minutes
Left click video to Pause.